Barkandji PBC CEO & Directors

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Derek Hardman

Born in Hillston. Proud descendant of Barkandji, Ngiyampaa (Keewong) & Wiradjuri Ancestors.

My motivation is challenge driven and my best work is fast paced where my full potential is put to its limits working within many communities over many decades has created the foundation for my current professional work ethic and I enjoy the dynamics this creates. Every day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and be challenged and look forward to each and every journey.

Throughout my personal and professional life, I have been humbled and honoured to have been an identified leader by peers, my family and cultural belonging through my Aboriginal cultural heritage. I have always had a passion to work with and for the people from an early age to give back and walk a journey as a role model for the generations past present and future.

Throughout my professional and personal life,
I have always had a passion to make a lasting difference within the Aboriginal community, I have exceptional conceptual skills that has allowed me to develop many models and worked within many aspects of Aboriginal community centred approaches.  

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Warren Clark 

Warren is a very proud Barkindji / Wimpatja man born in Wilcannia in western NSW. Warren brings a strong connection to country and family to the Barkandji PBC. He is dedicated to represent all matters import to Australia’s First Nations People at all levels. Warren has a long history of work with NSW government agencies and spent 25 years working NSW railways, 20 year with NSW National Parks and Wildlife, eight years at Mungo National Park and during tha time he instilled a more determined outlook to protect and preserve our the culture that is scattered widely in the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area. Warren spent 12 years as Executive Officer on the Mungo Joint Management Advisory Committee until his retirement in 2015.

Working with Elders on the employment of our people is high on his agenda, and the continued protection and preservation of cultural material that exists everywhere in the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area.

The Barka / Darling is a very important component of the Barkandji people’s culture and heritage, without water in the Barka we stand to lose our culture and lifeblood, our mother, our dreaming stories. We were told by our Elders to look after our Barka, not own it, but protect the flows in it and that is Warren’s reason why he is on PBC.

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Leroy Johnson

Leroy Johnson is a Barkandji /Malyunapa man on his mother’s side. Born in Wilcannia in 1973 he has lived and worked in many communities across NSW the latest being Wilcannia. Leroy has ties to his grandfather’s people the Keewong mob east of the Baaka.

His working experience has been with both government and non-government agencies working with Wiimpatja in areas of community welfare, social justice and culture and heritage. Currently working at Mutawintji National Park, Leroy is the first Aboriginal Owner who has been appointed as the Park Manager. Leroy is a keen story teller, musician and loves kangaroo rissoles and johnny cakes.

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Betty Pearce

Born in Wilcannia, my father and mother was William and Margaret Clark, I went to the Ivanhoe Central School and completed grade six, I married my husband Barry Pearce in September 1967 and have three children,

We lived on the railway at Ivanhoe for 10 years and later transferred to Orange NSW in 1982,
I obtained employment with the Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) for a number of years and I have also worked for the Department Of Community Services (DOCs). I have been part of the Native Title Claim since 1997 and at the White House Broken Hill.


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Bilyara Bates

Bilyara Bates is a Barkindji man from western NSW with a passion for Aboriginal culture, people and our environment.

He describes himself as a curious person with a thirst for knowledge and many interests.
Bilyara has been involved in the public sector with for the last three years mostly supporting community governance structures working toward the advancement of Aboriginal people in the communities of Far west NSW.

As a Barkindji man living on country he understands the link between healthy county and people, this subject motivates Bilyara be to and active board member of the Mutawintji Local Aboriginal Land Council and Director of The Barkindji Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate.

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Kevin Knight

Born in Bourke NSW. One of fifteen children born to Mr Hope Knight and Mrs Knight (nee Edwards) I have been involved in aboriginal affairs for over forty years as a director on the board of Western Aboriginal Legal Service for ten years, working at Local Aboriginal Land Council, as a ATSIC Councillor for twelve years and other organisations. As an elected member to the board of the Barkandji PBC I want to make a difference for my Barkandji peoples lives.

We are well on our way to achieve our goals for the benefit of our future generation's.  

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Kathy Potter

Kathy Potter nee (O’Donnell) the oldest child to Ronald (dec) and Shirley O’Donnell. I have been married to Alan for nearly 32 years and we have 3 beautiful daughter’s and 8 amazing grandchildren.

I am very proud my culture and of who I am as I stand tall and strong as a Barkindji woman within my Community. I am so happy to be part of the Barkindji PBC as I want to be able to show our people that we can achieve things if we all work together and support each other.