Tar-Ru Lands

Tar-Ru Lands

In response to the 2009 Natural Resource Commission’s assessment of the Riverina Bioregion River Red Gums, the New South Wales Government enacted the National Park Estate (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010 (NSW).  This Act provides for the NSW Government to transfer certain lands to an Aboriginal landholding body, including the Tar-Ru lands consisting of the former Lake Victoria, Moorna and Wangumma State Forests. 

The Tar-Ru lands fall within the Barkandji People’s Native Title determination area and have been vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) until their transfer to the Barkandji Native Title Group Aboriginal Corporation (BNTGAC) is complete.

Negotiations focused on the development of an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) to enable the land transfer are currently underway between the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the BNTGAC authorised Tar-Ru Lands Implementation Committee (TRLIC).